Placing an Order

How to order through Sharks Store

  1. Select the product you require by clicking on the product image. Items can be viewed via each category.
  2. Select the size and fill in the quantity you wish to purchase and click the "Add to cart" button. Your Shopping Cart details will automatically be updated.
  3. Select “continue to shopping” or continue to “checkout.”
  4. To remove an item from your cart, simply click on the "-" icon in the "Shopping Cart Details" screen.
  5. At any stage, you can click "View Cart" to finalise your order.
  6. To finalise your order, click on "Continue to Checkout.”
  7. Within checkout, once your contact and billing details are completed, you will click on “continue checkout” to finalise your payment. Your total amount payable is outlined at the bottom of the order form (postage is automatically included).
  8. Once everything is confirmed, please click on the "Submit Order" button.

An order confirmation will be emailed to you once your order is placed. You will receive a notification email to confirm your order has been received.